Pride of ideas

„THE BOOK, THAT IS ALLOWED TO BE, WHAT IT WANTS TO BE“ Yes, exactly. This is how i invite the mysteries of inspiration into my life: With a cheesy notebook title. But guess what – it works. This title reminds me (and the creative forces of the universe) that here nothing is off limits and every idea is welcome. It‘s like this: Very precious ideas are often very shy and still in the closet about their fierce creative powers. They appear to be normal, keeping the glitter in their pockets and their voices toned down. But when they read this declaration of acceptance they tend to show up in all of their unique weirdness; they sing and dance and make out with me like no one‘s watching. They show up because they know they won‘t be judged. And whenever i hesitate to write one of them down they snap at me and proclaim proudly „I was born this way, baby!“ 🙏🏼 Raphael

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