JOMO – Joy of missing out

Feel the Joy of missing out… I did and it was awesome. I was missing out on a lot lately. And we all know about the fear of missing out: On deliciously looking meals, wild parties and pretty people appearing constantly in our instagram feeds – called FOMO. Now let me tell you about JOMO – Rarely anybody speaks about the joy of missing out, so may i be that annoying spiritual friend that does: In my experience what you are missing out on by not missing out on anything else is YOURSELF: Knowing what makes YOU happy and letting that be enough. It is so easy to let others decide what we need to experience in order to be content. But if there is no honest question you can‘t hear the answer, no matter how clear it is. And this is why i love missing out sometimes: I can ask myself the right questions, instead of looking for suggested answers, i never asked for. After only reacting to the outside i can now truly act from the inside. And then when i scroll down my feed to watch sexy people eating deliciously looking food on beautiful beaches i rather feel happy for them than sad for myself. Because i took the time to look for my own measure of pleasure. Therefor i conclude: While missing out on everyone else‘s joy, eventually i found my own. 🙏🏼 Raphael

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